Here you can find the updated list of blogs and scientific publications. If you want to get an idea of my work, jump to the next section with some “featured” content.
Physics-informed neural networks
An introduction to the exciting field of scientific machine learning and, in particular, how to use neural networks for solving differential equations.
Functional PyTorch
A hands-on introduction to the PyTorch functional API, a powerful (but experimental) feature of PyTorch for writing fully stateless neural network models.
Containers with AWS and Terraform
A complete guide on how to run containerized applications on AWS using Terraform for provisioning the infrastructure as code.
A system design journey (2023): scale a simple URL shortener application written in Golang from a single machine to a distributed and highly-available version running on AWS. Part of a personal journey to improve system design skills.
A primer on functional PyTorch (2023): an introduction to the functional API of PyTorch, or write (almost) Jax in PyTorch.
Introduction to Physics-informed Neural Networks (2022): A simple guide on how to use neural networks for solving differential equations.
Deploy a Containerized Application on AWS with Terraform (2021): A step-by-step guide for deploying containerized service oriented applications on AWS. All combined with automatic infrastructure deployment using Terraform, the best tool out there for infrastructure-as-a-code.
Private PyPi Server on AWS with Terraform (2021): Deploy a private repository for your Python packages in a few clicks on AWS using Terraform for infrastructure provisioning automation.
ML time series analysis the right way (2020): An end-to-end guide for forecasting the future with machine learning methods.
Representing Hierarchical Data in Python (2020): A simple representation for hierarchical taxonomy data and the corresponding parser implemented in Python.
Scientific publications and patents
D. Seitz, Niklas Heim, J. P. Moutinho, R. Guichard, V. Abramavicius, A. Wennersteen, G.-J. Both, A. Quelle, C. de Groot, G. V. Velikova, V. E. Elfving, M. Dagrada, Qadence: a differentiable interface for digital-analog programs, arXiv:2401.09915 (2024)
D. dos Santos, M. Dagrada, E. Costante, A. Manzi, Framework for investigating events, US Patent 11,818,146 (2023)
K. Bidzhiev, A. Wennersteen, M. Beji, M. Dagrada, M. D’Arcangelo, S. Grijalva, A. C. Le Henaff, A. Quelle, A. Sashala Naik, Cloud on-demand emulation of quantum dynamics with tensor networks arXiv:2302.05253 (2023)
A. Ghosh, Antonio A. Gentile, M. Dagrada, C. Lee, S.-H. Kim, H. Cha, Y. Choi, B. Kim, J.-I. Kye, V. E. Elfving, Harmonic (Quantum) Neural Networks, arXiv:2212.07462 (2022)
K. Nakano, C. Attaccalite, M. Barborini, L. Capriotti, M. Casula, E. Coccia, M. Dagrada, C. Genovese, Y. Luo, G. Mazzola, A. Zen, S. Sorella, TurboRVB: a many-body toolkit for ab initio electronic simulations by quantum Monte Carlo, arXiv:2002.07401 (2020)
D. dos Santos, M. Dagrada, E. Costante, Leveraging Operational Technology and the Internet of Things to Attack Smart Buildings, arXiv:1912.02480 (2021)
M. Sergent, M. Dagrada, G. Papaure, Efficient communication overlap by runtimes collaboration, US Patent App. 16/215, 633 (2019)
M. Sergent, M. Dagrada, P. Carribault, J. Jaeger, M. Pérache, G. Papauré, Efficient communication/computation overlap with MPI+OpenMP runtimes collaboration, European Conference on Parallel Processing, 560-572 (2018)
M. Dagrada, Improved quantum Monte Carlo simulations: from open to extended systems, PhD thesis, HAL Archives (2016)
M. Dagrada, S. Karakuzu, V. Vildosola, S. Sorella, M. Casula, Exact special twist method for quantum Monte Carlo simulations, Phys. Rev. B 94, 245108 (2016)
B. Busemeyer, M. Dagrada, S. Sorella, M. Casula, L. K. Wagner, Competing collinear magnetic structures in superconducting FeSe by first principles quantum Monte Carlo calculations, Phys. Rev. B 94, 035108 (2016)
S. Sorella, N. Devaux, M. Dagrada, G. Mazzola, M. Casula, Density Matrix Embedding scheme for optimal atomic basis set construction, J. Chem. Phys 143, 244112 (2015)
M. Dagrada, M. Casula, A. M. Saitta, S. Sorella, F. Mauri, Quantum Monte Carlo study of the protonated water dimer, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2014, 10(5), pp. 1980-1993 (2014)
F. Piacentini, G. Brida, L. Ciavarella, M. Dagrada et al., Entanglement-assisted calibration of a photon number resolving detector, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science conference, San Jose (2012).